Stewart Copeland Portrait

Darn! It's incredibly humbling to have people collecting up my humble offerings with such dedication. Establishing this direct connection with all of you folks who "get" what I do has deepened the joy I get from doing it. You're such a lovely audiance I'd love to take you home! (Sgt. Pepper)
Hello Michel - and thanks for the site!
(Stewart on Thu Nov 23, 2006 - The Krypton forum)

Stewart Copeland Updates
Michel Alvino
Stewart Copeland Inside Out - Kollected Works is a fan site. Most pictures are Kollected from the internet, magazines ....Photos credits will be specified as much as possible or added if the rights are yours. I do not claim to have any rights on them. For any copyrights issues or withdrawal feel free to contact me.
Michel Alvino

Stewart Copeland Dariusz Gorajski
© Dariusz Gorajski

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